The Krochmal Center for Plastic Surgery

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Photo Gallery Chicago Lipedema Liposuction

WipoLipo™ Lipedema Photos

Before After Lipedema Liposuction to reduce pain in legs 3/4 Right Side

44 yo Female with Lipedema. Following WipoLipo™ liposuction to her buttocks, thighs, and lower legs.  25.1 pounds were removed in 1 surgery.

Before After Lipedema Liposuction large volume fat removal 3/4 Front Left Side

38 yo Female with Lipedema. Following WipoLipo(TM) liposuction to her buttocks, thighs, and lower legs (and arms).  46.8 pounds were removed in 1 surgery (no, that’s not a typo).

Why Not Schedule Your WipoLipo™ Liposuction Consult?